Public Events and Resources

NCPA Summer Workshop

in lab

more information here

Past events: June 8, 2023

Sunday with a Scientist

University of Nebraska State Museum - Morrill Hall

Sundays 1-3pm, information here

Past events: April 30, 2023 with Nebraska Center for Virology


**our lab's resources

all resources here are free/open access

K-12 resources

American Society for Microbiology, educational resources

American Society for Virology, virologists in a classroom sign up

**Grades 7-12 lesson plan developed for July 2023 Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institute, lesson plan link in google drive for Microbiology as an introduction to biomedical research.

Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institute

World of Viruses: comics for learning about current topics, virology, human biology

Viruses as snowflakes: paper 'snowflake' models for viral diversity, virology, vaccines

Undergraduate Education

**Undergraduate Scientific Literacy course evaluation for UNL BIOC205: Scientific Analysis and Technical writing, FIRST course portfolio available here on Digital Commons.

American Society for Microbiology, educational resources

Past events

August 2023: LPS/UNL STEM Connector

July 2023: NMSSI lesson

June 2023: NCPA Summer Workshop

April 2023: Sunday with a Scientist, University of Nebraska State Museum - Morrill Hall

March 2023: NJAS Southeast Regional Science Fair

March 2022: NJAS Southeast Regional Science Fair